So ... how would you attack the core of the problem?
E.g.: "We have literally a mountain of evidence that if you let individuals generate ideas alone, you not only get more ideas, you get better ideas."
In my view, this isn't a great statement generally as ideating in groups often can enlarge the mental workspace or context, and you get more complete pictures of what needs to be done... whether in software development or constructing a business relationship in which a partnership with personalization is implemented.
But where you work is less important than understanding HOW you work in distributed settings... working distributed obviously limits the richness of interactions, in some sense... digital whiteboards aren't as mechanically easy to use as physical ones, just my opinion.
I think the impact to HOW we work together has far reaching impact... how does the tech of Zoom or Teams and AWS and Azure, etc., enable new ways to work?
What say you? ;-)