Raising this to a human level seems to be a relevant parallel. I am not one who believes in AI sentience and full automation. Nor do I believe that Gen AI will one day change my mind -- increasing speed to process in GenAI contexts using statistics still is reactive, and we need to think through the explicit wiring of things together, guardrails, etc.
But the guardrails point is where the multi-model discussion you're having here seems to intersect. In a human only world, how would this look? Multiple people, different perspectives -- sometimes not discrete ones that we must discover to overlap and possibly each to be a part of a larger context, but manifested differently because it comes from what we think to be a different context -- ideally would triangulate around a set of core and absolute principles that are complete enough to explicitly define their contexts of application so that even these become open to evaluation. No one human can see fully across all contexts of application, but humans can discover these contexts and work together to widen our collective aperture by widening our individual ones.
This may be idealistic -- coming out of desire that we could get along, work together to imagine and create something on a trajectory that leverages the emerging technology affordances to do something much bigger than produce new technology alone. We seem to be on the cusp of being able to do so if we can set aside differences and focus on some concrete goals to realize something greater that seeks to engage people together rather than replace them.
Maybe this is simply a point of view... I personally wish this could be so because we could more easily imagine and create and even recreate with the affordances we are being offered...
I love your wording: "But I did not write this piece to be the last word...". We are on the cusp of being able to imagine and then more quickly than ever to create and try and imagine/create/try again. This isn't a "done and dusted" effort... I consider myself in this same trench with you... but I am trenching in a different space... maybe one day our digital spades and tools will clear a path to meet up in person...
Looking forward!