My vote would be to think at a higher level. For example:
We have LLMs that can be taught the grammar rules of higher-level domain-specific languages. What if we started thinking about those?
We will forever have languages and preferences... some people don't mind parens and braces, and others can't stand them. The religious fervor around these is (with respect to all) a waste of time UNLESS the language is materially different. I can tell you from LISP and Smalltalk until now that programming languages have become similar in very many respects, aversion to a dynamic runtime notwithstanding. We should be able to use these languages as we need and, heck, as we prefer.
But the higher order languages that exist at a level where software developers could speak to business folks that are NOT software developers... THAT is the place where we can take what we've learned to date and put it to use in a material way.
Think about it... Backus Naur Forms for domain specific languages taught to LLMs, and implementations of those that precompile into our preferred 3GLs and 4GLs... and those can be delivered ALL AT ONCE, so .NET + Python + *Script + Java + Julia + etc. can take immediate advantage...